Pet Sitting Job Search Tips

June 10, 2015

First Impressions are Everywhere
Many people will use social media to do some research on you. Remember that the content of your social media profiles will form a first impression of you before you even meet with them. Make sure they want to meet you after seeing your profile(s).

Focus on Body Language

Once you land an interview, make sure you are well prepared and feel comfortable. Your body language will greatly affect your interview so focus on your posture, your hand placement, and facial expressions.

Learn How to Listen
Don’t be so caught up in conveying a certain message that you don’t really respond to what potential clients may be asking you.

Communicate Through ( not your personal email or by text)

By keeping your communication on our website, you can benefit from our security systems that catch common scams before they get to you. Our messaging system also prevents members from using your personal email for anything else besides discussing a job you have posted.

Recognize Common Scams

Common scams we have encountered in the past include similar messages:

  • “I want to pay you upfront.”
  • “Please contact me via email or text right away.”
  • “I am moving to your area soon.”
  • “I need your bank account information.”

Don’t forget: Report anything that seems unusual.

We take the security of our users and everyone part of the PetSitter community very seriously. Please contact if you have any questions or notice suspicious activity. We do our best to screen members and job listings, however, a few sneaky scammers still make their way on to our site. With your help we can ensure an even safer community.

If you want to earn some extra cash, housekeepers often earn a higher wage than petsitters and are able to work more hours. If you want to see how you compare to some of the best in the business, check out the top house cleaners in Toronto, New York City and Houston. It's never too late to pivot your business services and you're sure to find someone in your area in need of a deep clean.