The Best Pet Sitting Jobs in St. Marys, Ontario
Over 1 million people use to keep their pets happy and well on their days in the office or trips away
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6 St Marys Pet Sitter Jobs Found
Noushin z
St. Marys, Ontario
Active over a week ago
Pet Sitting Needed!
St.Marys, ON
Feeding our Cat (Jazzie) twice a day and cleaning her litter boxes once a day.
St.Marys, ON
Feeding our Cat (Jazzie) twice a day and cleaning her litter boxes once a day.
John L
St. Marys, Ontario
Active over a week ago
John leberg owner of Molly . Need dog walker
I hope you are having a good day. I am seeking a dog walker available in St. Marys, Ontario. I plan to find a wonderful, accountab...
I hope you are having a good day. I am seeking a dog walker available in St. Marys, Ontario. I plan to find a wonderful, accountable employee who has frequent availability.
Catherine M
St. Marys, Ontario
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
Looking for help walking one of my dogs on most week days. Flexible times as I am home to assist with transition.
About The Job:
Hi there my name is Catherine. I am hoping to hire a dog walker living in St. Marys, Ontario. I aim to chat with a good candi...
About The Job:
Hi there my name is Catherine. I am hoping to hire a dog walker living in St. Marys, Ontario. I aim to chat with a good candidate who has regular availability.
Notes On Availability:
We can be flexible for the right candidate.
Please Reach Out:
You can reach out via this website and I will follow up.
Steve V
St. Marys, Ontario
Active over a week ago
Work Opportunity: a Knowledgeable Dog Sitting Professional in St. Marys, Ontario
Nice to meet you! My name is Steve. I am looking for a dog walker working in St. Marys, Ontario. I have an 18 week old Portuges...
Nice to meet you! My name is Steve. I am looking for a dog walker working in St. Marys, Ontario. I have an 18 week old Portugese Water Dog that is very affectionate, but still learning to dog walk properly. Cali (my dog) gets 3 walks per day, each of about 40 minutes. I need someone else to take over the noon hour walks and least 3 or 4 times per week.
Debbi T
St. Marys, Ontario
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
St. Marys Dog Trainer Posting
Nice to meet you! My name is Debbi. I'm hoping to hire a dog sitting professional living in St. Marys, Ontario. I aim to chat with...
Nice to meet you! My name is Debbi. I'm hoping to hire a dog sitting professional living in St. Marys, Ontario. I aim to chat with a professional, talented candidate who has daily availability.
Services And Training:
Our family needs caring for animals,and overnight boarding. It is preferable if you have a drivers license. The best-possible candidate would have previ...
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Kristine S
St. Marys, Ontario
Active over a week ago
Looking for St. Marys, Ontario Pet Sitter
Hi there my name is Kristine. I am looking for a pet sitter for my cat. Please let me know if you are interested.
Hi there my name is Kristine. I am looking for a pet sitter for my cat. Please let me know if you are interested.
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Creating a profile allows others to reach out to you, or letting you reach out to them
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