Pet Sitters in Shallowater, Texas
Over 1 million people use to keep their pets happy and well on their days in the office or trips away
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4 Shallowater Pet sitters Found
Hailie H
Shallowater, Texas
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
Shallowater Pet Sitter - Caring for your Furry Friends for Just $15/hr
My name is Hailie, and I'm a pet sitter based in Shallowater, Texas. I specialize in taking care of cats and dogs. I am available for dog w...
My name is Hailie, and I'm a pet sitter based in Shallowater, Texas. I specialize in taking care of cats and dogs. I am available for dog walking, overnight care, and pet sitting. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced pet sitter, then you have come to the right place.
I personally own four cats and two small dogs, so taking care of mutilated pets is not a problem....
John M
Shallowater, Texas
Active over a week ago
From 12.50/hour
Hardworking Pet Care Provider Available Immediately
Hi there my name is John. I'm interviewing for a petsitter position in Shallowater, Texas. I promise to be good employee. My avail...
Hi there my name is John. I'm interviewing for a petsitter position in Shallowater, Texas. I promise to be good employee. My availability is flexible.
Description of Skills:
I will take care of maintaining pet health, providing play time, and overnight boarding. I have extensive prior history in the role.
Booking An Appointment:
Call (806) 50... or (806) 53... and I...
Charlotte M
Shallowater, Texas
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
Most Disciplined Animal Caregiver in Shallowater
Resume Summary:
Nice to meet you! My name is Charlotte. I'm hoping to find a dog sitter placement in Shallowater, Texas. I'm aiming to apply...
Resume Summary:
Nice to meet you! My name is Charlotte. I'm hoping to find a dog sitter placement in Shallowater, Texas. I'm aiming to apply my abilities as a dog sitter. I can alter my schedule to meet your needs.
Description of Skills:
I am happy to help with caring for sick animals, facilitating exercise, and cleaning litter boxes. I am willing to travel. I have extensive e...
Kenzie H
Shallowater, Texas
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
I absolutely love animals
I am an upcoming senior at Shallowater High School. I am 17. I will be continuously available except july 2-17! I will care for any type of...
I am an upcoming senior at Shallowater High School. I am 17. I will be continuously available except july 2-17! I will care for any type of animal.
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