Pet Sitters in Kewanee, Illinois
Over 1 million people use to keep their pets happy and well on their days in the office or trips away
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2 Kewanee Pet sitters Found
Maggie S
Galva, Illinois
Active 2 days ago
From 14.00/hour
18 years exp.
Experienced Pet Sitter in Galva, Illinois, reach out to Magnitude Pets on Facebook!
Hello there! I'm Maggie, a dedicated pet sitter based in Galva, Illinois. If you're a pet owner in need of quality care for your furry or fi...
Hello there! I'm Maggie, a dedicated pet sitter based in Galva, Illinois. If you're a pet owner in need of quality care for your furry or fishy friends, then you've come to the right place. With a passion for animals and years of experience, I offer professional pet sitting services for cats, dogs, and even fish. Whether it's for a day or an extended period, I provide individua...
Theanna R
Galva (Township), Illinois
Active over a week ago
From 12.00/hour
12 years exp.
Galva (Township) Dog Giver Interviewing For Work in Illinois
Who I Am:
Nice to meet you! My name is Theanna. I am interviewing for a dog jobs in Galva, Galesburg,and Geneoso, Illinois. My aim is to ap...
Who I Am:
Nice to meet you! My name is Theanna. I am interviewing for a dog jobs in Galva, Galesburg,and Geneoso, Illinois. My aim is to apply my experience as a care giver. I can be available as needed.
Services And Training:
I am comfortable doing dog feeding, providing play time, and exotic pet care. I also have personal transportation available. With respect to prior e...
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