Pet Sitters in Dorchester, South Carolina

Over 1 million people use to keep their pets happy and well on their days in the office or trips away
Cute dog and cat playing together
Cute dog and cat playing together

How it works

1. Post your job
2. View profiles
3. Contact & Hire

How it works

Post your job

Create your profile and have pet sitters come to you.

View profiles

Compare pet sitters near you, and choose the ones you like.

Contact & Hire

Discuss job details by message or TeleSafe call.

6 Dorchester Pet sitters Found

Kirsten H

Dorchester, South Carolina
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
Available For a Pet Care Provider Job in Dorchester
Nice to meet you! My name is Kirsten. I love pet grooming, live in Dorchester and want to look after your precious pets. Can't wait to chat...
Nice to meet you! My name is Kirsten. I love pet grooming, live in Dorchester and want to look after your precious pets. Can't wait to chat with you soon.

Ulises L

Dorchester, South Carolina
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
Available For a Pet Trainer Opportunity in Dorchester
Description: I hope you are having a good day. I am searching for an animal caregiver position in Dorchester, South Carolina. I will be a tr...
Description: I hope you are having a good day. I am searching for an animal caregiver position in Dorchester, South Carolina. I will be a trustworthy, experienced individual. I can alter my schedule to meet your needs. Services And Training: I am comfortable doing cat feeding, providing play time, and grooming. I also have a drivers license. When it comes to previous training,...

Ashley A

Dorchester, South Carolina
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
Recently started
Seeking Dorchester Pet Care Provider, South Carolina Jobs
Description: Hello my name is Ashley . I'm looking for a pet sitter work opportunity in Dorchester, South Carolina. I aim to apply my experi...
Description: Hello my name is Ashley . I'm looking for a pet sitter work opportunity in Dorchester, South Carolina. I aim to apply my experience as a pet sitter. Available now. Services And Training: I am happy to help with cat feeding, providing long walks, and cleaning litter boxes. I also have personal transportation available. I have extensive prior history in the role. H...

Gloria B

Dorchester, South Carolina
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
Gdb Pet Sitting Service
Going away? Can't take your loved ones with you, I'll take care of walks, feedings, and companionship of your pets in your home, call f...
Going away? Can't take your loved ones with you, I'll take care of walks, feedings, and companionship of your pets in your home, call for details on the different specials going on right now............843-922-...

gloria b

Dorchester, South Carolina
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
Gdb Pet Sitting Service
PET SITTING taking care of all your pets needs open 24/7 25%OFF in business over 30 years Have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!!
PET SITTING taking care of all your pets needs open 24/7 25%OFF in business over 30 years Have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!!

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Creating a profile allows others to reach out to you, or letting you reach out to them

Lania W

Dorchester, South Carolina
From 12.00/hour
Knowledgeable Dog Walking Available Now!
Hey my name is Lania. I love dog walking, live in Dorchester and want to look after your cuddly pets. I hope we have the chance to chat soon...
Hey my name is Lania. I love dog walking, live in Dorchester and want to look after your cuddly pets. I hope we have the chance to chat soon!

Rather have people reach out to you?

Creating a profile allows others to reach out to you, or letting you reach out to them