Pet Sitters in Anmore, British Columbia

Over 1 million people use to keep their pets happy and well on their days in the office or trips away
Cute dog and cat playing together
Cute dog and cat playing together

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1. Post your job
2. View profiles
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How it works

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Contact & Hire

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3 Anmore Pet sitters Found

Nathan K

Anmore, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
From 16.75/hour
Anmore Pet Sitter: Experienced & Reliable! $16.75/hr, Serving British Columbia.
I'm Nathan, a pet sitter in Anmore, British Columbia. I take care of both cats and dogs and provide overnight care to pet owners in need. I'...
I'm Nathan, a pet sitter in Anmore, British Columbia. I take care of both cats and dogs and provide overnight care to pet owners in need. I've been an animal lover my entire life and have been working with pets since I was a child. I'm experienced in caring for cats and dogs, from feeding and grooming to playing and walking. I'm passionate about providing the best care for you...

Rossana L

Anmore, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
From 20.00/hour
Interested In Anmore Pet Sitter Opportunity
Hi there my name is Rossana. I love overnight care, live in Anmore and want to look after your precious pets. Please let me know if you are...
Hi there my name is Rossana. I love overnight care, live in Anmore and want to look after your precious pets. Please let me know if you are interested.

Abu B

Anmore, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
Recently started
Computer opprater
About Me: Nice to meet you! My name is Abu. I'm hoping to find a dog trainer placement in Anmore, British Columbia. My goal is to contribute...
About Me: Nice to meet you! My name is Abu. I'm hoping to find a dog trainer placement in Anmore, British Columbia. My goal is to contribute my skill as a dog trainer. My availability is flexible. Services And Training: I will take care of pet feeding, providing play time, and cleaning litter boxes. On top of this, I have personal transportation available. Regarding previous p...

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