The Best Pet Sitting Jobs in Sainte Anne, Manitoba
Over 1 million people use to keep their pets happy and well on their days in the office or trips away
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2 Sainte Anne Pet Sitter Jobs Found
Kelly L
Sainte Anne, Manitoba
Active over a week ago
Wanted: Capable Pet Sitting
Nice to meet you! My name is Kelly. I am interviewing a dog walker living in Sainte Anne, Manitoba. Between my husband's and my sc...
Nice to meet you! My name is Kelly. I am interviewing a dog walker living in Sainte Anne, Manitoba. Between my husband's and my schedule we have about 4-6 days a month where we would need someone to come over lunch to let our puppy out to pee/poop and walk or play with her. Our cat is independent and does not need any care.
Services And Training:
My home requires mai...
Sherri O
Sainte Anne, Manitoba
Active over a week ago
Wanted: Pet sitter one time
Hi there my name is Sherri. I'm interviewing a pet service provider living in Sainte Anne, Manitoba. I hope to chat with a knowledg...
Hi there my name is Sherri. I'm interviewing a pet service provider living in Sainte Anne, Manitoba. I hope to chat with a knowledgeable, polite candidate with part time
Notes. I am looking for a one time pet sitter for October 26th 8:30-10:....
It would include looking after a young 9 week old puppy. He cannot yet be around unvaccinated dogs. I just want someone to...
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